army tank

[网络] 陆军坦克



  1. It then took police and the British Army several hours to remove the tank from the garden.
  2. But when they pulled back the curtains, they discovered that a British Army owned tank had ploughed into their fence and crushed their hedge.
  3. The video, which could not be independently verified by Reuters appears to show an ambush of a Syrian army tank.
  4. The parents of a suicidal boy shot by a sniper say they never would have called the police if they had known authorities would bring in an army with a tank and riot shields to take down their 16 year old.
  5. In General Patton the commander of the newly formed US Third Army, the Americans had found a tank general with the dash and flair of Rommel in African.
  6. The US Army considered forming special airborne tank units after the successful use of German paratroops at Eben in1940 and Crete in1941.
  7. Since then Pakistan army has been using its Al-Zarrar MBT for precision day night attack capability and recently we have been able to watch the video in which an Al-Zarrar tank was shown destroyed.
  8. The Problems and Countermeasures of Fire Control Army Responses to Hazardous Materials tank Wagon Leaking Incident
  9. The Safe Distance from Tank to Friend-Army for a Newly Chief Combat Tank Over-Head Firing